Welcome to my seminal world
WELCOME to my seminal world - a world full of questions but lesser answers. Allow me to share to the world - both here and the outermost - my oddity and aggressions in life. Follow me as I pass through the road less traveled. Be my witnesses as I document life’s annoyances, sufferings, death, and hopefully, the aftermath. Be living witnesses as I invade the privacy of others. Be with me as we go through the gauntlet of uncertainty.
Nakakayamot is a Tagalog word. The closest meaning to the word nakakayamot is annoyance, or having an irritating personality or attitude. It also means having inconsiderate and stupid habits, meaningless phrases, oxymorons, and other pet peeves. Hence I chose nakakayamot as my blog name.
The photographs and stories contained in this blog are my own personal interpretation of life on this wasted and hopeless country. They are not meant to offend but rather tend to give a more transparent documented perspective of life here. All photographs and stories in this blogsite are copyrighted. Permission to use the photographs in any legal manner should be obtained from the author.
This is my blog ... welcome.
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